Taylor Seville Magic Pins extra-long regular 0.6 x 56 mm
Packing Size:
100 pcs
The Magic
Pins in extra-long are good for basting multiple layers of fabric or quilting
The heat-resistant comfort grip is easy to grab.
Comes in the attractive designer box.
Taylor Seville Magic Pins - Flat Head Extralang
Stecknadeln mit flachem, geripptem Kopf. Hitzebeständig in einer
praktischen Aufbewahrungsbox. Erhältlich in 2 Packungsgrößen: 50 Stück
100 Stück
Taylor Seville Magic Pins extra-long fine 0.5 x 56 mm
Packing Size:
50 pcs
The Magic
Pins in extra-long are good for basting multiple layers of fabric or quilting
The heat-resistant comfort grip is easy to grab.
Comes in the attractive designer box.
Taylor Seville Magic Pins Ultra Grip Extra Long regular 0.6 x 56 mm
Packing Size:
100 pcs
Magic Pins
Ultra Grip have special structured grips to ensure a very good handling
between, which makes it easier to work with thick fabrics.
The Magic Pins in extra-long are good for basting multiple layers of fabric or
quilting layers.
The heat-resistant comfort grip ensures good handling.
Comes in attractive designer box.